Sunday 16 October 2011

COMPUTER IN TEACHING AND LEARNING - Course / Learning Management System

    Assalamulaikum and a very good morning everyone.After doing some research,discussions and after try to understanding,now I have completed my assignment about Course and Learning Management Sytem.At first,I am totally zero about this topic.I cant understand what the system is actually,the functions,benefits and everything about that.Maybe some people will laugh at me,but it is true.I know that it will be easy if I already knows about it.But I will never give up.Then,I am doing some research through 'google',do a discussion group with my partner and finally,everything is done.

   Now I know what Course and Learning Management System ( C/LMS ) is actually.Based on my research and discussion,I found that C/LMS is a software package that based on technology.It is use for specific learning process.This software is usually used by students,instructors and also educators.It has a lot of benefits such as to enhance performance in learning and educators can assess their students performance.This system make lerning process more interesting,not just with sit and read books.This is the another option for learning process.In this country,some schools use this system for learning process.Although in UKM ,we use it and we called it as SPIN.

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