Monday 24 October 2011

Computer In Education


 Survey Monkey
         Hello everyone.Today,during Computer in education class,I learned how to create questionnaire by using Survey Monkey.Questionnaire is a simple questions that are created to survey about something.In Survey Monkey,there are a lot of types of questionnaire that can be choose.The answers also depends on the person who create that questions either he wants MCQ  or essay answers.These questionnaire is suitable to do to survey about something.

          At first,I didn’t know what is Survey Monkey.It sounds interesting but what is it?So,I just go to the website ‘www.survey’.Then,I sign up first because I am a new user of it.After going through simple registration process,I got into it.But,I didn’t know how to use it.Then I try to explore all the features.I need to do questionnaire regarding my topic ‘Original and Licensed Software’.But,for trial only,I try to create a simple questionnaire.
           I try to search for the sample of questionnaire.Then,I save it.So,I just copy and paste that sample questionnaire by using Survey Monkey.Then,I got to understand how to create questionnaire by using Survey Monkey.Credit to my friend,Imran for guiding us.Thank you.


Hello everyone.Now,I would like to share with all of you about my task that I've been done .It is about Original and Licensed Software.
My partner and I choose this topic because we thought we have some background knowledge about this topic and we thought it was easy to search about the information. However, once we start ‘googling’, we found that there’s a lot of information which relate to this topic but we can’t search the exact information we want.
But then, when I go back to my room, I try to figure out how I can find the exact information about original and licensed software are all about. Thus, I decided to type the title separately. First, I search for Original Software and then, I search for Licensed Software.
After I get some information about the topic, I read through the whole passages, page by page. It was so horrible that I can’t understand what are the topic is all about. However, with full of determination, I try to read again the next morning. I try to get the meaning and straight away rephrasing the sentences in order to prevent from been accused as plagiarism and make the things clearer for myself as well as others who read this.
In my understanding,original and licensed software is a software that is have been written by a software author.There is no piracy and duplication.Then,the software need a license before can be use by users.The software need a license to protect it from piracy.Original and licensed software is really important.Now,I know what is Original and Licensed Software and also all the features.

Sunday 16 October 2011

COMPUTER IN TEACHING AND LEARNING - Course / Learning Management System

    Assalamulaikum and a very good morning everyone.After doing some research,discussions and after try to understanding,now I have completed my assignment about Course and Learning Management Sytem.At first,I am totally zero about this topic.I cant understand what the system is actually,the functions,benefits and everything about that.Maybe some people will laugh at me,but it is true.I know that it will be easy if I already knows about it.But I will never give up.Then,I am doing some research through 'google',do a discussion group with my partner and finally,everything is done.

   Now I know what Course and Learning Management System ( C/LMS ) is actually.Based on my research and discussion,I found that C/LMS is a software package that based on technology.It is use for specific learning process.This software is usually used by students,instructors and also educators.It has a lot of benefits such as to enhance performance in learning and educators can assess their students performance.This system make lerning process more interesting,not just with sit and read books.This is the another option for learning process.In this country,some schools use this system for learning process.Although in UKM ,we use it and we called it as SPIN.

Saturday 15 October 2011


Assalamualaikum and a very good afternoon to everyone.
I hope everyone have a nice day.New subject,Computer  in Education  seems  interesting.I really hope it will be an enjoyable class.At first,we had learn how to create  google and yahoo email account,official facebook account,facebook group and blog.I know that most of students already have their own email account,facebook and so on.But for now,we need to create an official accounts for all of that.And for now,I will show what I have learn in this class.

What I Have Learned So Far?
-Create Google and Yahoo email account.
-Create Official Facebook account
·    -Create my official blog.
·    -Create my official Facebook and Yahoo group
·    -I join group GE1155

Sunday 9 October 2011

First Two Week Class

Assalamualaikum w.b.t.
My name is Nor Khairunnisa binti Mazlan.I am a TESL student at UKM Bangi.I came from Negeri Sembilan. I am newcomer in UKM and also a new blogger.

I would like to share my expectations on this course.I expect to get knowledge as many as I can.I also expect to learn and explore more about technolgies applications that I can use in teaching.I felt grateful because I got a supporting ang kind lecturer that is Dr Norazah.I would like to thank her because she guide me on this course.Computer in education is very useful for me to train myself and the other friends in our future.

What I Have Learned So Far?
  • I learned how to create Yahoo and Gmail e-mail account.
  • I learned how to create a Yahoo Group.
  • I learned how to create a Facebook Account.
  • I learned how to create a Facebook group account.I learned how to create Blog Account.