Wednesday 28 December 2011

MULTIMEDIA IN EDUCATION-Desktop Publishing Software

Hye guys.
For today,I will show my brochure J
My brochure is about my own topic,ORIGINAL AND LICENSED SOFTWARE.


Do you know what is SPSS?SPSS is a computer program that can be used for survey and statistical analysis.SPSS is almost same with Microsoft Excel but it is more easier that Excel.I’m sure that most of students wonder why we need to learn SPSS.Usually,teachers need to key-in results of their students and most of teachers use Excel to do that.But,it is for old method.For modern method,SPSS is better.Just think if the system at the school break down and you as a teacher need to key in the marks for your students.You got basic skills about SPSS,then you can use it.In SPSS,there are dependent variable and independent variables. You can analysis the data that have been collected using SPSS.

Saturday 19 November 2011



Educational Research Process
    Hello everyone.In order to do educational research,there are 9 steps that should be taken involves of exploration,description,explanation and also analysis procedures.All the educational research should follow a planning,data gathering,analysis and the last procedure that is reporting process.
       In planning process,there are 5 steps that should be taken.First step is identify the problem.In this step,the literature review is really important.That is because using literature review,it can help us to understand the topic.At least we get some ideas what is the topic all about.Proceed to step 2 that is review prior research.Step 3 is determine the purpose,research questions or hypotheses.Durind this steps,researchers should know clearly about the purpose of the research.Then,step 4 that is consider research implications.The researchers should think about the implications of their research especially in the education.Then,the last step in palnning process is construct a research proposal.The proposal should have details ang descriptions of how the study should be conducted.
       Then the second process is gathering data.In this process,the researchers should gather all the data that is needed and can aswer the research questions and to support the hypotheses.Later on,the results should be analyze.The last procedure is reporting the results.There are 2 steps that is determine findings and report the conclusions,implications and also the limitations.
        Based on my understanding,educational research always be conducted in academic institutions and it is very useful.That's all.Thank you.

Literature Review
             Hello everyone.Today I would like to share about Literature review .It can be defined as a deep evaluation of previous research.It is a summary and synopsis  of research.A good literature review expands  upon the reasons behind selectinf a particular research question.Literature review is the most important part in any research.Literature review aims to review the critical points of current knowledge.Literature review has the format that should be follow by the researchers.For students,it is important for them to going through the literature review in order to complete their task or thesis.

       Salam and good morning everyone.Today I would like to share my reflection about plagiarism.I learned about this in week 5-6.In my understanding,plagiarism is unethical action that is forbidden but many people always do it.Plagiarism is not a crime but it is disapproved and not allowed based on the moral offence.Plagiarism can be considered as theft or stealing other's original work.There are many types of plagiarism such as in academic dishonesty,journalistic ethics and self-plagiarism.In academic,plagiarism by students or educators is considered as  academic dishonesty.For me,plagiarism is not good and make people become lazy to do their assignments by themselves especially for students.

Tuesday 1 November 2011

MULTIMEDIA IN EDUCATION-2D Graphic Editing Software

Hello are you?long time no see.Today I would like to share my reflection about GIMP.Do you know what is GIMP?GIMP is stand for GNU Image Manipulation Program.It is a freely distributed program for tasks such photo retouching,image composition,and also for image authoring.This program is  almost same with adobe photoshop but the functions is less than adobe photoshop.It has many capabilities and can be used as a simple paint program,an image format converter and many more.This program is quite interesting to be learn.his

Multimedia in Education.It sounds something that is complex but actually it is quite interesting.To be a flexible teacher,I also need to know more about ICT because nowadays most of students love to learn using online.Last Monday,I learned more about graphic.Drawing,colouring such a child is very enjoyable time.The first thing that I learned is about 2D graphic images that is bitmap and vector image.Do you know what is bitmap and vector image?
Here I put some examples of bitmap and vector image  to make you easy to understand about vector and bitmap image.So,you can compare both images.Then,you can find the differences between that images.


Good evening everyone.I would like to share my view about open office.Open office software is almost similar to Microsoft Word.It is developed by ORACLE.Open including of Text Document,Spreadsheet,
Presentation,Drawing,Database,Formula,Template.Writer can add more features into Open Office.orgOther than that,writer can opening and saving his documents in number of format,including the OASIS open document format 1.1,microsoft word's DOC,RTF and also XHTML.
         However,there are some features which is not present in microsoft word but it is present in Open features are such as templates and style,built in drawing tools,equation editor,indexing and many more.We need to explore it more if we want to know more about this software.

Monday 24 October 2011

Computer In Education


 Survey Monkey
         Hello everyone.Today,during Computer in education class,I learned how to create questionnaire by using Survey Monkey.Questionnaire is a simple questions that are created to survey about something.In Survey Monkey,there are a lot of types of questionnaire that can be choose.The answers also depends on the person who create that questions either he wants MCQ  or essay answers.These questionnaire is suitable to do to survey about something.

          At first,I didn’t know what is Survey Monkey.It sounds interesting but what is it?So,I just go to the website ‘www.survey’.Then,I sign up first because I am a new user of it.After going through simple registration process,I got into it.But,I didn’t know how to use it.Then I try to explore all the features.I need to do questionnaire regarding my topic ‘Original and Licensed Software’.But,for trial only,I try to create a simple questionnaire.
           I try to search for the sample of questionnaire.Then,I save it.So,I just copy and paste that sample questionnaire by using Survey Monkey.Then,I got to understand how to create questionnaire by using Survey Monkey.Credit to my friend,Imran for guiding us.Thank you.


Hello everyone.Now,I would like to share with all of you about my task that I've been done .It is about Original and Licensed Software.
My partner and I choose this topic because we thought we have some background knowledge about this topic and we thought it was easy to search about the information. However, once we start ‘googling’, we found that there’s a lot of information which relate to this topic but we can’t search the exact information we want.
But then, when I go back to my room, I try to figure out how I can find the exact information about original and licensed software are all about. Thus, I decided to type the title separately. First, I search for Original Software and then, I search for Licensed Software.
After I get some information about the topic, I read through the whole passages, page by page. It was so horrible that I can’t understand what are the topic is all about. However, with full of determination, I try to read again the next morning. I try to get the meaning and straight away rephrasing the sentences in order to prevent from been accused as plagiarism and make the things clearer for myself as well as others who read this.
In my understanding,original and licensed software is a software that is have been written by a software author.There is no piracy and duplication.Then,the software need a license before can be use by users.The software need a license to protect it from piracy.Original and licensed software is really important.Now,I know what is Original and Licensed Software and also all the features.